Vehicle & Auto Loans
We use the same low interest rates for New or Used vehicles. No fees to apply and no early payment penalties. Apply for pre-approval before you shop. Get a North Coast auto loan at your dealership or at your neighborhood branch.
Dealership Loans

Let your dealer know you would like to have a North Coast Auto Loan when you purchase your next vehicle.

Access the equity in your vehicle by refinancing your auto loan. Use your equity to pay down credit cards, take a vacation... whatever you need.
Skip a Pay

If you have an auto loan with North Coast, you could skip a pay and keep some cash in your wallet just when you need it. Click on the link below for more details and to see if you qualify.
GAP Insurance

If your vehicle is stolen or declared a loss, your insurance payout may not cover the full amount owed on your auto loan. GAP, Guaranteed Asset Protection, is designed to cover the difference. GAP insurance is available to purchase at your neighborhood branch.
Pre-Approved Loans

Get approved before you shop. Purchasing a vehicle is more enjoyable when you know how much you can afford.
Recreation Vehicles

Boats, Motorcycles, RVs, trailers matter how you like to have fun, we love to say YES!
Debt Protection
If your life takes an unexpected turn, your family’s finances can be strained. But with MEMBER’S CHOICE™ Borrower Security with Life Plus, your loan payments or balance may be canceled, up to the contract maximums, in case of involuntary unemployment, disability, or death. It’s just one more way you can look out for the people you love.
Your purchase of MEMBER’S CHOICE™ Borrower Security with Life Plus is optional and will not affect your application for credit or the terms of any credit agreement required to obtain a loan. Certain eligibility requirements, conditions and exclusions may apply.
Please contact your neighborhood branch or refer to the Member Agreement for a full explanation of the terms of MEMBER’S CHOICE™ Borrower Security with Life Plus. You may cancel the protection at any time. If you cancel protection within 30 days, you will receive a full refund of any fee paid.
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